BlueCielo ProjectForce 2011 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

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Configuring title blocks

ProjectForcesupports property synchronization with title blocks in the popular CAD applications AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, Architectural Desktop, Microstation, and SolidWorks. Configuring title blocks involves specifying the object names and property names (for example, block names and attribute tags in the case of AutoCAD) within these applications that you want to synchronize with ProjectForce document properties. Each definition of an application object to an ProjectForce property is called a mapping.

Before you begin

ProjectForce supports multiple title blocks and multiple values within each title block. Your organization might use different title blocks for different applications, sheets sizes, drawing types, or consultants. You will need all of this information in order to configure the title blocks. Compile a list of the object names used by your organization as title blocks in the past and present. For each object , list the property names that should be synchronized and their corresponding ProjectForce property names. For each property, note whether it should be read from the drawings or written, or both. In effect, determine which application will control the value of that property, ProjectForce or the application. When doing so, consider where the drawings will originate from, imported from outside the library (title block properties should be read) or created inside the library with the aid of a wizard that prompts the user for title block values (title block properties should be written). Also identify similar objects for which ProjectForce should synchronize the same properties in the same way. You will use this information in the following procedure.

To create title block mappings:

  1. In ProjectForce, click BlueCielo Administrator in the left pane. The configuration tree appears.
  2. Navigate the configuration tree to and expand the library that you want to configure. The Standard Configuration branch appears.
  3. Expand Standard Configuration and select Title Blocks. The Title Blocks property page appears in the right pane and lists the current title block mappings.
  4. To create mappings for a particular application, select the application name from the Application list.
  5. Click New. The Known Block dialog box appears.
  6. Type the name of the application object in Blockname for which you want to create a mapping. The object appears in the Block Information tree.
  7. Click OK. The object is added to the title block list and to the Title Block tree view.
  8. Right-click the object in the Title Block tree view that you just created and then select Add Property. The Known Block Property dialog box appears.
  9. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Known Block options
Option Description

<Application> Property

Type the name of the property to synchronize with ProjectForce.

SharePoint Property

Type the name of the SharePoint property to synchronize with the object property.

Synchronization Type

Select the direction in which you want property values to be synchronized.

  1. Click OK to save your changes. The property appears in the Title Block tree view.
  2. Repeat steps 8 to 10 for each object property that you want to synchronize.
  3. Repeat steps 5 to 11 for each title block that you want to synchronize.
  4. Repeat steps 4 to 12 for each application that was or will be used to create title blocks in your drawings.

To view or edit title block mappings:

  1. In ProjectForce, click BlueCielo Administrator in the left pane. The configuration tree appears.
  2. Navigate the configuration tree to and expand the library that you want to configure. The Standard Configuration branch appears.
  3. Expand Standard Configuration and select Title Blocks. The Title Blocks property page appears in the right pane and lists the current title block mappings.
  4. Select the correct application name from the Application list. The current title block mappings for that application appear in the Title Block tree view.
  5. Select the property in the Title Block tree that you want to view. The property's configured SharePoint property and synchronization type appear.
  6. Select different values from the appropriate lists, if necessary.
  7. To delete a property:
  8. Right-click the property in the Title Block tree view that you want to delete and then select Delete Property. The property is deleted.

To delete a title block mapping:

  1. In ProjectForce, click BlueCielo Administrator in the left pane. The configuration tree appears.
  2. Navigate the configuration tree to and expand the library that you want to configure. The Standard Configuration branch appears.
  3. Expand Standard Configuration and select Title Blocks. The Title Blocks property page appears in the right pane and lists the current title block mappings.
  4. Select the correct application name from the Application list. The current title block mappings for that application appear in the Title Block tree view.
  5. Right-click the title block that you want to remove and select Delete Block. The title block icon changes to a recycle bin to indicate that it will be deleted and will not appear when the list is refreshed.

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